
The Handbook of Design Management

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  • 发布时间:2020-04-15 14:23
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【概要描述】Rachel Cooper, Sabine Junginger, Thomas Lockwood
The management of design has emerged as central to the operational and strategic options of any successful organization. The Handbook of Design Managem

The Handbook of Design Management

【概要描述】Rachel Cooper, Sabine Junginger, Thomas Lockwood
The management of design has emerged as central to the operational and strategic options of any successful organization. The Handbook of Design Managem

  • 分类:书籍
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  • 发布时间:2020-04-15 14:23
  • 访问量:

Rachel Cooper, Sabine Junginger, Thomas Lockwood


The management of design has emerged as central to the operational and strategic options of any successful organization. The Handbook of Design Management presents a state of the art overview of the subject - its methodologies, current debates, history and future.

The Handbook covers the breadth of principles, methods and practices that shape design management across the different design disciplines. These theories and practices reach from the operational to the strategic, from the product to the organization.

Bringing together leading international scholars, the Handbook provides a guide to the latest research in the field. It also documents the shifts that have been taking place both in management and in design which have highlighted the value of design thinking and design education to organizations.

Presenting the first systematic overview of the subject - and offering a wide range of examples, insights and analysis - the Handbook is an invaluable resource for researchers and students in design and management as well as for design practitioners and professional managers.



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