
Creating Breakthrough Products

  • 分类:书籍
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  • 发布时间:2020-04-15 14:24
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【概要描述】Jonathan Cagan, Craig M. Vogel
Creating Breakthrough Products identifies key factors associated with successful innovation, and presents an insightful and comprehensive approach to building products a

Creating Breakthrough Products

【概要描述】Jonathan Cagan, Craig M. Vogel
Creating Breakthrough Products identifies key factors associated with successful innovation, and presents an insightful and comprehensive approach to building products a

  • 分类:书籍
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  • 发布时间:2020-04-15 14:24
  • 访问量:

Jonathan Cagan, Craig M. Vogel


Creating Breakthrough Products identifies key factors associated with successful innovation, and presents an insightful and comprehensive approach to building products and services that redefine markets -- or create new ones. Learn to identify Product Opportunity Gaps that can lead to enormous success; control and navigate the "Fuzzy Front End" of the product development process; and leverage contributions from diverse product teams -- while staying relentlessly focused on your customer's values and lifestyles.



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